#Airport facilitator x update#
Laminar Research have been very slow out of the gate to adopt more authentic and wet surfaces, in fact these bitmap textures is one of the areas of X-Plane that has not changed for eons or for at least the last three or for versions of the simulator, as it is a decade or so since any basic textures were actually updated (the lines, stand markings and crossings did however have an update a few years ago). But what of all the other surfaces in the simulator, or the default core textures. So very quickly airport developers used the mapping to create more authentic surfaces to adjust to the weathers conditions, and obviously rain and wet surfaces were soon very prominent in the feature lists.
#Airport facilitator x simulator#
In other words you can replicate wet surfaces on runways or any flat area in the simulator (Glass is another reflective surface). This is created by metalness mapping in PBR which is just one method of determining reflectivity in surfaces. You have seen a more realistic environment in the simulator. Over the last year since X-Plane11 acquired the PBR (Physically Based Rendering) system. Scenery Enhancement : ALES Airport Layout Enhancement Solution by Pyreegue Dev.